DA Calculation Sheet

DA Calculation Sheet; Dearness Allowance (DA) is applicable for the government employees to compensate against the inflation. DA is Calculated on the basis of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Worker(CPI-IW).

DA/DR Calculation Sheet

DA/DR Calculation Sheet

Dearness Allowance/Relief is revised every year twice for central government employees and pensioners. DA/DR is revised on 1st January and 1st July every year to compensate for price rise. After 01.01.2006 the DA was calculated on the Base year 2001(Base Year 2001=100). However, in October 2021, the government revised the Consumer Price Index-IW base year from 2001 to 2016. The present DA is calculated on the base year 2016(Base Year 2016=100). A linking factor of 2.88 has been decided by the government to convert the current(base 2016) AICPIN(IW) to previous(2001 base) AICPIN(IW) series.

DA Calculation Sheet Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

The Calculation of DA/DR for Central Government Employees is based on which price Index?
The Calculation of DA/DR for Central Government Employees/Pensioners is based on All India Consumer Price Index(Industrial Worker) in short AICPIN(IW).
What is Expected DA for Central Government Employees from 1st July 2024?
Expected DA from 1st July 2024 is 53% to 54% .
What is the Base Year for Calculation of Current DA for Central Government Employees?
The Base Year for Calculation of Current DA is 2016(Base Year 2016=100)
What is the Linking Factor decided by the Government to convert the current(base 2016) AICPIN(IW) to previous(2001 base) AICPIN(IW) series.
A linking factor of 2.88 has been decided by the government to convert the current(base 2016) AICPIN(IW) to previous(2001 base) AICPIN(IW) series.
DA for Central Government Employees/Pensioners is currently calculated on which formula?
DA= (Avg of CPI-IW (base 2016=100) for the past 12 months x 2.88 -– 261.4)*100/(261.4))

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